Paddy arrivals in Punjab near last year’s figure

Paddy arrivals in the grain markets in in Punjab’s countryside are nearing the last season’s figures and wheat sowing is 84% complete.

By Tuesday, more than 181.6 lakh metric tonnes (LMT) of paddy had arrived in the grain markets, of which 180 LMT had been procured. In some districts, including those where the floods of July-August had forced recultivation, the arrivals have crossed the government’s targets. By Monday, the paddy arrival had exceeded the target by 25% in Mohali, 28% in Ropar and 21% in Pathankot.

Director agriculture Jaswant Singh said: “Last year, the state’s total wheat production was 205 LMT and the new figure will be close. Farmers opted for short-duration variety PR-126 and got a yield on par with last year’s. So far, they have sown wheat in 84% of the area.”

Last year, Punajb government had procured 182 LMT paddy. Even though the arrivals were a bit delayed this season and paddy procurement will close on November 30. The food and civil supplies department estimate the arrivals to surpass the previous year’s figure.

Last year, the mandi board had recorded 182.45 LMT paddy arrival by November 20.

This article has been republished from The Times of India.

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